Learn from Dr R K here

Ph.D.(Mech), M.Tech (Mech), B.E. (Mech)

Recipient : Best Techno Faculty Award

Videos Produced: more than 500

Online Coaching: Mathematics for XI and XII Standard, JEE Preparation for Mathematics, Black Belt and Master Black Belt Exam Preparation 

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  1. XI and XII Mathematics preparatory lessons/ guides are included in this website.
  2. In case of tablet and mobile devices, use the hamburger (three horizontal lines) above to navigate this website.
  3. You can also reach home page from any other page, by clicking the home icon at the footer.
  4. To get more information about our courses, coaching and subscriptions, reach us through contact shortcut icons at the bottom.

This website rkmaths.in will deal with all mathematical solutions for XI, XII and JEE preparatory students.

I am Ramakrishnan Vaidyanathan alias RK. For all your requirements regarding mathematics problems and online coaching, contact me through contact page.

All mathematical topics, statistical tools and techniques will be covered in my future posts. Keep visiting this site often to see more posts in future.

…To know more about RK and our activities, please view the following videos.